La féminité en tant que principe, existe chez l'homme au niveau émotionnel, intuitif et spirituel, et chez la femme au niveau physique, mental et moral.
La féminité représente l'art perdu d'écouter jusqu’à entendre, de regarder jusqu’à voir, de sentir jusqu’à savoir, de goûter jusqu’à savourer et de toucher jusqu’à percevoir. Je vous invite à découvrir les ouvrages d’Allen Boone sur la communication avec l'essence de la nature (Des hommes et des bêtes) et de les expérimenter, pour approfondir notre vraie nature féminine, si étonnante, si bafouée en chacun de nous, et qui a la clé de notre puissance pour être réellement vivant et conscient!
Feminity as a principle exist in man at the emotional, intuitive and spiritual level and in women at the physical, mental et moral level.
Feminity is about the lost art from listening to hearing, from looking to seeing, from smelling to knowing, from tasting to savouring and from touching to perceiving. Please read Allen Boone about communication with the essence of nature (Kinship wit All Life) to dig on our true amazing feminine nature so denied in all of us, and which has the key of your power to be really alive and aware! Restore your health thanks to your imperfections!Henderson, Nevada, is the capital for training in ABM. We have got the chance to interview Anat Baniel, through our good friend Sue Burgman, certified in ABM the 19th. Anat Baniel is a wonder! Her eyes sparkle with 1000 of stars when she explained to us how her method, inspired by Moshe Feldenkrais, has changed her life and the life of thousands. Lubka and I have got the chance to be the students of a few graduates who have passed their practicums for their graduation on us during 3 days. So we have been able to experience this amazing method on health and self development. Based on the power of slow movements, gentleness, subtlety and so many other elements, but mainly a strange and deep feeling of love, able to restructure your brain through delicate movements. I wish this experience to everybody, especially people and children with special needs, it creates just miracles! Add on Pregnancy: the meaning for a healthy pregnancy. After a tour of several book-shops to promote our ideas in SLC, we have been welcome by our friend and Midwife Leah Barlow with a group of Midwives, and a number of pregnant women, mothers and women who want to prepare their future pregnancy.
The lecture on Pregnancy has been followed by many questions and answer and a special circle on how to heal from miscarriage. We have met again David and Mona Lewis who direct the heart center to share the 1st digging on our lecture « Humanity as one family » on the side of « how to restore and cultivate our global health? » Welcome to the era of global family!
Our goal is to activate the collective consciousness of a humanity united as one family. Our method is to share the seeds of experience by celebrating the wisdom of encounter. Take part in weaving this reality. |
2019 USA Campaign
for family values On the road
Beauty of Arches
From Arches to Bryce CanyonZionArchives
March 2019
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