What is "conscious conception"?
by Christina Warmenbol, Childbirth educator
Conception is not just the start of a new life. It is the still point that separates the past from the future. It is the magical moment between two timelines for both the parents and the incoming soul. It is the moment that downloads lots of information into this first cell that is created and that will carry the information into the next generations of cells into the future. That’s why the first conceived cell holds the blueprint of the new human life. Elisabeth Nobel calls it "The Primal Life Script".
How can this moment influence a whole life? There are only two gametes at work that create a third cell. How come that this one tiny cell can be carrier of so much determining info? Bruce Lipton has shown how the membrane of a cell is the mind of a cell: ‘mem-brain’ and is comparable to a computer chip. It is able to capture information thanks to thousands of receptors that receive chemical substances such as peptides, neurotransmitters and hormones that influence the functions of the cell. Receptors can also be influenced by more subtle vibration energy such as thought vibrations. So thoughts AND feelings are imprinted in this cell. They orient the future life through this deep, unconscious imprinting. If conception is harmonious, or rather violent or with one dominant player, or doubt is present if the parents really want a child or not, it will all play out later in life and have an impact on the emotions, relationships, sexuality and behavior this new human being will have later.
Many people in clinical settings through deep regression have been able to remember the dynamics of their conception. I myself saw how the energies of my parents and the energy of the moment blended with the energy of my soul. It felt like a shirt that was dyed in a certain color: impossible to separate the shirt from the color. I had become their color.
We can say that a conscious conception is what is preferable for the health of the child. Can we speak about a conscious conception if the couple in the moment of intimacy is just conscious that they might be conceiving a child? Even if they are able to be on top of the sexual attraction and not be taken over by the power of the process, somewhere transcending the natural power in a higher energy, we cannot fully speak about a conscious conception. If we know that this magical moment will give the synthesis of their life till then plus the dynamics of the moment to the first cell, we need to see the broader picture, we need to prepare before conception in order to give the best inheritance to the incoming soul. Bruce Lipton states: ‘Research reveals that in the months prior to conception, future parents play the role of engineers for their future children. In the final maturation state of an ovum and a sperm cell, a process called ‘genomic imprint’ regulates the activity of specific gene groups which will form the character of the child before conception (Surani, 2001; Reik & Walter, 2001). According to research, what happens in the life of the parents during the process of genomic imprint affects profoundly the mind and body of the future child.’(2006)
So what would this preparation look like? A preparation on all levels: a physical preparation by an optimal nutrition, a cleansing of the body and restoring balance in all systems in order to ‘prepare the soil’ for the little seedling. Emotionally there needs to be a clearing of all previous trauma: healing the parent’s own early years from conception on in order not to repeat the same patterns in the next generation. They need to be looking at their own upbringing how they have been parented. In an optimal situation there would be a clearing of the ancestors’ inheritance regarding sexuality, fertility, birth stories, illnesses and failures. Can they take a look at the current relationship and working at improving it? An important point is questioning the intention for this child. This primal project from the parents to which the child is linked: to care for the parents when they are old, to take over the company later, to be a companion for his older sister, to glue the couple together?… Unconsciously the child will be loyal to that project and limit his freedom. And what about working at a more spiritual take on life so that through meditation, stillness and prayer the channels open up through which the couple can be really present to higher vibrations and prepare a high energy container that will attract a more evolved soul? Why not also connect to the soul on his journey towards incarnation and accompany it with a welcoming, loving heart so that it can come in all confidence, overcoming its fears and deep emotions towards life?
Wouldn’t be the moment of conception then become an enlightened point in time, a culminating point of all the work done before, into a point of eternity of selfless love toward the partner and the soul of the child? It would become a moment of participation in pure divine creation between the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine principle. The inheritance of such information will give the child the strongest roots possible even if later events in life are difficult. It would be able to find and manifest its own essence naturally.
Conception is not just the start of a new life. It is the still point that separates the past from the future. It is the magical moment between two timelines for both the parents and the incoming soul. It is the moment that downloads lots of information into this first cell that is created and that will carry the information into the next generations of cells into the future. That’s why the first conceived cell holds the blueprint of the new human life. Elisabeth Nobel calls it "The Primal Life Script".
How can this moment influence a whole life? There are only two gametes at work that create a third cell. How come that this one tiny cell can be carrier of so much determining info? Bruce Lipton has shown how the membrane of a cell is the mind of a cell: ‘mem-brain’ and is comparable to a computer chip. It is able to capture information thanks to thousands of receptors that receive chemical substances such as peptides, neurotransmitters and hormones that influence the functions of the cell. Receptors can also be influenced by more subtle vibration energy such as thought vibrations. So thoughts AND feelings are imprinted in this cell. They orient the future life through this deep, unconscious imprinting. If conception is harmonious, or rather violent or with one dominant player, or doubt is present if the parents really want a child or not, it will all play out later in life and have an impact on the emotions, relationships, sexuality and behavior this new human being will have later.
Many people in clinical settings through deep regression have been able to remember the dynamics of their conception. I myself saw how the energies of my parents and the energy of the moment blended with the energy of my soul. It felt like a shirt that was dyed in a certain color: impossible to separate the shirt from the color. I had become their color.
We can say that a conscious conception is what is preferable for the health of the child. Can we speak about a conscious conception if the couple in the moment of intimacy is just conscious that they might be conceiving a child? Even if they are able to be on top of the sexual attraction and not be taken over by the power of the process, somewhere transcending the natural power in a higher energy, we cannot fully speak about a conscious conception. If we know that this magical moment will give the synthesis of their life till then plus the dynamics of the moment to the first cell, we need to see the broader picture, we need to prepare before conception in order to give the best inheritance to the incoming soul. Bruce Lipton states: ‘Research reveals that in the months prior to conception, future parents play the role of engineers for their future children. In the final maturation state of an ovum and a sperm cell, a process called ‘genomic imprint’ regulates the activity of specific gene groups which will form the character of the child before conception (Surani, 2001; Reik & Walter, 2001). According to research, what happens in the life of the parents during the process of genomic imprint affects profoundly the mind and body of the future child.’(2006)
So what would this preparation look like? A preparation on all levels: a physical preparation by an optimal nutrition, a cleansing of the body and restoring balance in all systems in order to ‘prepare the soil’ for the little seedling. Emotionally there needs to be a clearing of all previous trauma: healing the parent’s own early years from conception on in order not to repeat the same patterns in the next generation. They need to be looking at their own upbringing how they have been parented. In an optimal situation there would be a clearing of the ancestors’ inheritance regarding sexuality, fertility, birth stories, illnesses and failures. Can they take a look at the current relationship and working at improving it? An important point is questioning the intention for this child. This primal project from the parents to which the child is linked: to care for the parents when they are old, to take over the company later, to be a companion for his older sister, to glue the couple together?… Unconsciously the child will be loyal to that project and limit his freedom. And what about working at a more spiritual take on life so that through meditation, stillness and prayer the channels open up through which the couple can be really present to higher vibrations and prepare a high energy container that will attract a more evolved soul? Why not also connect to the soul on his journey towards incarnation and accompany it with a welcoming, loving heart so that it can come in all confidence, overcoming its fears and deep emotions towards life?
Wouldn’t be the moment of conception then become an enlightened point in time, a culminating point of all the work done before, into a point of eternity of selfless love toward the partner and the soul of the child? It would become a moment of participation in pure divine creation between the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine principle. The inheritance of such information will give the child the strongest roots possible even if later events in life are difficult. It would be able to find and manifest its own essence naturally.