Lost most importantes es comunicar! The most important is to communicate!
Our world seems to know a new breath of desire to reconnect to our roots, to nature, to the soul of the "village-lifestyle", to the spirit of neighborhood and taking care of each other. Digital screens isolation, incessant governmental scandals, the failure of education, poisoned food, our elders abandoned, confusion regarding manhood and womanhood, distress, complicated love are so many phenomena which motivate us to reconnect to our deep humanity. An era based on the quest for love, friendship and freedom is upon us. I share the following information in the spirit of weaving real connections with our neighbors, our village and our community for our sustainable future together.
Community group resources
Be warm, be clean and have energy
So many ways to stay heated... but what about blackouts, saving on our electrical bill, and become more sustainable?
Be warm
Passive house & Yurts
Recycle your sewer
Burn your waste
Wood is one of the best way to be free to warm your house if you have access to trees.
It is simple to recognize dead trees or tree which are dying: the crown or the top vertical branches are dead. It means the tree will die soon. It is better to do your wood at least 6 months before burning it to let the time to the wind, sun or even better frost to dry it. 2 years is a must.
Choose an amazing pacific energy if you like it toasty, or a catalytic if you like it less toasty.
Count 3 logs for the night and 6 to 8 during the day to calculate what you need to cut and dry.
Adding a fan on your ceiling to push the heat down is a game changer to finally have you feet warm!!
You can add a pipe in coil around your stove and heat your water for shower, cooking, washing or even heating the rest of your house with hot water pipes.
Solar hot water
with drain back
Building a passive house is the new luxury: wall of windows on the south side, north wall with no windows, ideally on a slope to add a greenhouse on the south wall. The key is insulation. - Building in raw earth (earth ship, geodesic...) - DomegaiaTools & education to build anything with Aircrete. You can build and live your dream – and do it with your own two hands. - SIPS houses - Rammed earth - Hobbit home
Yurt, geodesic dome are other alternative to warm a single space, and it can be very efficient with an add of propane heather for extreme cold. Pacific yurt, Yurt by design, Biome and Alaskian yurt are amazing company for large yurts to live in. Count between 30 to 50k depending the company for a 30" with snowkit, 1 french door, 1 simple door, 2 glass windows, 4 seasons double insulated yurt, without the flooring.
Start to recycle your emissions for your garden and eventually eat your house.
Multiple burners can allow you to get rid of your worst waste: plastic, cans, toxic materials... It re-burns the fumes over and over until hardly anything goes back out into the atmosphere.
Producing energy is the key of security, sustainability and freedom. 1. For that the diversity of the varied sources of natural energy is the great key! Favor photovoltaic and thermic solar panel, mixed with wood heating, a reserve of propane, a water turbine and some fuel for punctual use of a generator. All that in an efficient passive house with a canadian well for example. 2. The second principle is to follow the natural flow of energy coming from mother nature. Only use energy-intensive appliances such as the washing machine, the dryer, the dishwasher when it is sunny. to avoid relying on to much batteries for storage. Learn to build and use a solar oven and cook when it is sunny. Dry your clothes on a cord in summer. Cut you wood in winter to let it dry faster with the frost and to avoid soil on the trunks and spare you chainsaw.
Typically we can produce free electricity from solar panels associate to an inverter who can store in lithium batteries. > Ecoflow Bluetti...
Wind is difficult to give efficiency but could be an add to the the multiple sources that can make you sustainable.
And finally water turbine or water sling can produce tremendous quantity of energy if we use the right engine.
The idea of out of grid mean adapting your appliances to very low consumption. They are more expensive to buy, but you save very fast on you electrical bill to become completely electrical free. Home Depot propose solar and propane fridge of all sizes. The Canadian Off Grid Depot offer anything we need!
Houses, lands, cities are surrounded by invisible radiations coming from the ground, from the walls ans so many other influences to be treated to live in a clean atmosphere. From any place in the world you can test your living place with Gaël Darandovas by clicking here.
Be fed, produce your food, store, share and learn what to buy
Healthy food
Produce your food
Treat and store
Food bank
Buy right & vote
The definition of healthy food is freshness! Eating raw food at the beginning of each meal triggers a flow of enzymes which will help your body to digest all cooked or processed food afterwards. Fermented foods do the same. Sugar stresses your enzymes, lowers digestion and kills the microbiome. Raw honey does the opposite. Fasting 16 hour once a week gives the digestive system a holiday, allowing for a regular cleanse. Eating 80 to 90% of your hunger never tires your system.
Make your windows a greenhouse or build a greenhouse. If you have a field, learn intensive organic micro culture. Know how to pick in nature.
Wild picking
Bank seeds of good quality, organic, without genetic modification exists all over the world. Somme bank recently have been specialized in extreme resistant seeds to grow with very few water, resist to drought and grow without any watering to answer more sustainability and adaptation to climate fluctuations. Do our one seeds bank is even better and assure more freedom. Sharing our seeds amongst us is an other way to built our community.
Plants are sensitive and answer to the way we treat them. They grow better with music, attention and love. Main rules: light, warmth, a nutritional ground, water and weed.
Manuels and training to recognize edible food from trees, herbs, bushes, mushrooms are surprising and connect us to the generosity of mother nature!
Wheel, natural purifying system, collect raining and dew water, store properly, dynamise water helps us to get free of the new business and taxes on the most essential and free element of nature!
Having a root cellar is a must! Canning is an art to keep your food healthy. Refrigeration and natural fridge in the ground.
Most farmers produce too much, learn to share. Many food banks are already part of all communities. Placing a basket with food with a sign along your road will help people in your community.
Processed food has become low quality as it contains embryos, criquets, glyphosate or GMO!
Cricket flour is labeled as "sustainable flour". It contain 2 substances that affect the immune system and mental health through the nervous system. Who needs that?
Favoring local products, artisans and sharing is our ultimate power to face the tyranny of the industrials who have taken over the food market.
Be connected
Free waves
- Like sailors, having a CB is an amazing way to ask for help in case of fire, flood, health issues, or... creating spontaneous gatherings with your neighbours. > TYT Quad band FM transceiver TH-9800 is a wonder + the biggest antenna you can have on your roof... and the sky is the limit! - Walkie talkie long distance are amazing products to get reed of cellphones or to assure security on a farm or during an hike. > Baofeng UV-9R Pro are amazing!
Sharing creates community! Communication is not information. Communication is dialoguing, explaining, demonstrating, listening, adjusting to each type of intelligence until we understand each other.
Don't wait to be in distress to build your community, but gather every week, every month at least with the people close to you.
Helping children, elders, mothers, sick neighbours, building, planting and harvesting are ways to understand each other, connect more deeply and overcome our differences.
Exchanging services, machinery, food and goods is a way to develop generosity and the feeling of being useful.
Be Healthy
70 to 80% of reasons of consultation come from emotional stress we embody! This stress compress and block the blood flow, the nerve flow and force an hyper function of certains organs who chock absorb stress.
Learning how to re put in movement your tissus, your organ and learn to use your breathing to re harmonize your blood flow. Practicing Qi-Qong, auto-massages (metamorphic massage, do-Inn...), walking, swimming, horse riding, hiking in nature, gardening can reset in motion most of our tissus et remove from our nerves and organs most of the stress we embody. Cardiac coherence (Aftermath.com), deep breathing, natural breathing, mindfulness meditation and tremendous help to manage the stress.
20 to 30% of disease come from pollutions, toxics and traumas. Today we have to add the number and intensity of electrical waves like wifi and more, aluminium oxyde spread every where, the fluor introduce in water and dentistry, the omnipresence of glyphosate and oil derivative in food and our environment.
So many ressources exist today to take care of the majority of dysfunction and harmonize ourself. From that, it become more easy to know the red flags which need assistance from other and our medical system. Homeopathy is one them and give you a lot of possibility to treat yourself and your family with tremendous success.
Manage stress
Of course the list of toxics products in our environnement is quiet long, but it is good to identify and get read the more we can of them - The 1st cause of death in the world come from drug, medical drugs! - Covid waxx: on the last devastating effect, we have in number 1. the Covid vaccine. (Court - 74% of death of the pandemic - Side effects - Pfizer just lost in UK - New born - Pfizer just got their factory destroyed by a tornado! The administration of big Pharma derails every day scandal after scandal) Publication of mai 2022 PubMed explaining the amplitude of the covid vaccination: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9062939/#__ffn_sectitle A) Dr ARDIS: cure the spike proteins with nicotine patches https://m.facebook.com/video.php/?video_id=818765366265427 (https://m.facebook.com/video.php/?video_id=818765366265427) B) Dr Peter Mccollough: https://twitter.com/pam33771/status/1689708617685995520?s=46&t=azbmC6QNknANbl7TMQ873QBase Spike Detox (BSD): 1- Nattokinase 2000 FU (100 mg) bid, 2- Bromelain 500 qd, nano/liposomal, 3- Curcumin 500 bid. Continued mRNA driven Spike protein must be cleared from body.Can do 3+months using OTC agents. #courageousdiscourse @JoeTalkShow https://twitter.com/p_mcculloughmd/status/1684516233981349894?s=12&t=azbmC6QNknANbl7TMQ873Q. Detox from Spike Proteins: Here's How in Under Two Minutes: 1.) Nattokinase+++ destroy the spike proteins https://m.facebook.com/groups/331560945106080/permalink/831549735107196/?mibextid=KZAQM 2.) Ivermectin - Binds tightly to spike protein. It can prevent the virus from entering the cells, and it can prevent the virus from replicating. 3.) Suramin - Like ivermectin, it prevents spike protein from binding to ACE2 receptors. 4.) NAC - Powerful antioxidant. Reduces the damage that happens after toxicity and has been shown to be able to restore damaged cells back to their normal state. 5.) Catechin and kurkumin - They have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. - Heavy metal and aluminium oxyde in your body are fixed on you nervous system and inflame it chronically. > stay away from chems trails (impossible!) Do an heavy metal cleanse: Chelex from Xymogen, MetClear from Metagenics + chlorella like Sunchlorella - Fluoride is put in the water of most municipality, in tooth paste and is a high toxic for your pineal gland, the enamel of our teeth, the digestif system, bones, joints-damages and our muscles. > Water filter and organic toothpaste. - Phthalates are all the plastic in our house (curtain of the shower, wall painting, most of synthetic furniture, sofa, vinyl, PVC pipes for water...) more it is hot (shower, summer), more their intoxicate the air and our body. They are present in all acrylics clothes. They diminish the sperm, block the effect of testosterone, mimic estrogen and alter thyroid hormone production. > change plastic curtain for non synthetic one, change your wall painting, change your synthetic clothes for organic coton. - Teflon stoves: one of its main components, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), strongly suspected of being carcinogenic, immunotoxic and endocrine disruptor. So much so that it has been banned in the European Union since the summer of 2020 > change for cast iron skillet - VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) > Don't Store Unnecessary Chemicals. Increase Fresh Air Ventilation. Use Homemade Cleaners and Natural Fresheners. - Micro mushroom from humidity in your house > ventilate your house, learn about natural passive or active ventilation - Radon is a gaz coming from dried up rivers or underground faults - Your clothes are one of the great source of toxicity. Polyesters creates an electric field which exhausts your body. Phthalates affect the reproductive system and fertility, specially on man. Linen, organic coton and wool are definitively the best materials to warm and protect you body. Eventually a certain pourcentage of polyester, elastane... are acceptable until the majority is made with natural fiber.
> You can reduce the inflammation in your body related to any poisoning, toxicity by pelvic floor to eliminate using cold bath, cold shower, sauna-cold bath or cold pad place on your the over heating of your body.
Any choc on our body induce a choc of wave into our liquids who makes a pressure on all the membrane which maintains celles and organs togethers call fascias. Any stress on a fascia retract it, causing a compression of the cells, vessels and nerve. These retraction tend to stay and develop immediate pain followed by chronicle discomfort and eventually a disease.
> For any choc, you can apply a force where the choc has penetrate your body and vibrate vigorously the skin and the tissue, then release suddenly. This pressure-vibration-sudden release create a pumping which remove the choc of wave and the retraction of the tissue. You can with this method disperse the effect of any choc by 100!
Systema is a Russian martial art which apply this technic to disperse any ultra violent punch instantly. It gives the advantage to keep going fighting what ever the choc you haven't been able to avoid or stop.
> Arnica 30 ch for standard choc to 200 ch for very violent choc every 30' 3 hours, and 3 time a day for 3 day relief tremendously and help the release of the fascias and the fluids in the body.
> Paida Lajin, Qi-Qong, Do-Inn, EFT, metamorphic massage are great technics too to relive pain after any trauma.
Any stress unknown, sudden, violent, unexpected, non developed enough to handle overwhelmed the ability of our brain to support it. So the brain send this stress to our organs throughout the neuro-vegetative system, and if the intensity is to high or if the stress is too repeated, it is send to our derma on specific place which contract a long chain of muscle all connected together. This very contraction is going to change our posture and compress joints, vertebras, pinch nerves, compress organs and vessels, with tremendous possibilities of pathologies. So reacting to any overwhelming stress is essential to keep your health.
Cardiac coherence is a great way to release the adrenals fly-fight-freeze-moaning reaction and release our vagus nerve.
Walking 2 hours minimum after a great stress is a solvant. Very few stresses resist to long hikes!
Translate un stress in a life demand for you to harmonize yourself.
Childhood is about growing, developing ourself, be narcissist to discover and let expand our potentiels, values and shine, and hold our place in it unicity. Then, we are ready to serve, enjoy, admire, love properly as an adult the world around us. This service is one of the highest joy and happiness in life. This only attitude fix most of relationships needs. Loving as a consciousness state of mind and no longer a self center feeling or sensation. It allows you to free of expectation the people and the world around you. And more, to be conflict-free and in harmony, peace and satisfaction with the others.
Human come with biologic temperament which have to be balanced by cultivating a specific character based on growing specific qualities to master your instinctual temper. Hippocrates describe these 4 temperaments and Aristotle described how do develop your character to master your temperament. Knowing these differences helps tremendously to harmonize our relationships. Do your temperament test to know better how to develop an harmonious personality: Test 1, verify with test 2 or test 3 or test 4 Then do your personality test Test 1, verify with test 2, test 3, test 4 and analyse your test.
Conflicts can be solve by using relational technics describe here.
When nothing works to restaure harmony, it is important to know that 90% of our relations are based on body languages. When the usual ways to communicate doesn't work, when words no longer work, you can change your body language. For that, use your look, and add to it a loving emotion supported by un adapted powerful though. For example, in front of a insensitive narcissist adult partner, send to him or her repetitive looks full of admiration of their essence and prononce on yourself an idea to inspire them, like "be kind", "be noble", "be luminous", "be humble", "serve the life", "be in love"... This simple exercice change your body language, strike 90% more the attention of your partner and is truly magical to bring harmony and resolve impossible tensions.
Enjoy this deep video in english by setting in parameters, subtitles "english".
Without the purpose, the objective and the goals of allowing us to take the full place of our unicity, our potential by setting it in motion through crafting the beauty we nurture and envision in our life, and then offer it, without conditions, in the life which surround us, we could loose our motivation.
Be safe
Being in peace with the people around you is your best security, but being in peace with yourself offers even more security! People read up to 95% of your body language. When you cultivate harmony and peace, people feel it and answer to it, even when they are sick or unbalanced. Balance creates balance! There are cases when life offers us tests to reinforce us, to grow, to challenge us, to awake us... learn to hear the answers which will come from within. When challenges come up, how can we be best prepared to react?
Food shortage
EMP flare
Today fire come more often, they are sudden, fast and can pass form a category 2 to 3, to 5 in a blink with wind! 1. Call 911 and guide them well, put a sign on the road to ease their coming. 2. Have a large container on wheel always full of water with a pump and hose close to your house and bring it to the site of fire until fireman arrive. 3. Use shovel and rake to stop the flame by taping and even better by putting earth on the flamme and ambers. 4. Clean the space when the fireman arrive to let them be efficient.
In a flood, dig tranche to oriented the water far from your house. Place sand bag or large pieces of wood to deviate the passage of the water. Place valuable goods in the high.
Learn to know the dominant violent wind of your area and re oriented your car port, greenhouses, sheds... to let the wind pass through or to be divided by angles or round shapes. Be far from the roofs and anything that could fly in the air. Find a protection behind an embankment or a slope.
In case of food shortage, we have to learn how to eat part of trees, herbs, mushroom and eventually how to fish and hunt. Certains tribes exposed to extreme famine survive since millennials by eating a small amount of clay daily! At the worst, stopping drinking water for 5 to 7 days trigger ressource in your kidneys that allow you fasting for a much longer periods than without doing this. After this dry fast of a week, you can drink and can support fasting much better.
When the earth shake, refuge yourself under a table your hands around your head and wait it stop. If you are cover by earth of material gather your hands close to your mouth and head, first remove any obstruction of you mouth and try to make space around your mouth and head to breathe. Whistles to let know where you are. Concentrate your mind on light to calm your mind.
The new enormous threat of our modern society is a solar flare or a more possible EMP flare that would shut down all electronic, so our computers, cars, gas station, store, food supply and most of service to put us back to middle age!
Be inspired
The meaning and purpose of life is in strength and beauty. These qualities give life a good taste! Connect to your infinite potential, your ability to grow, expanding your qualities and virtues through learning. This attitude will help you to discover your kind of mental and emotional intelligence so that you are in your power and feeling in the right place when faced with any circumstances, wherever you find yourself. Figuring your infinite potential as Spirit, Soul or Higher Self allows you to look beyond appearances. It helps you to elevate your sight, to be inspired to do your best, to try new ways of being and reacting, setting you in motion toward an infinite horizon. This attitude always brings happiness without a physical reason or reward. Being in the habit of listening to silence, watching the sun, the stars, the mountains, the trees, are ways the elevate your vision and push you toward yourself, your essence to free yourself. To develop this clear inspired mind has been the purpose of most religions, spiritualities and philosophies throughout the ages. They all cultivate the myth of the hero: the one who loves! Loving without other reasons than an inspiration toward the infinite, the beauty, the nobility, the non temporal, the eternal present moment, the essence of life, is the life of the hero we dream about, the life of love that makes us human with a spirit of loving the whole. The admiration and adoration of the forces of the nature, its beauty and that of humans who have the courage to elevate their vision to the unknown, the sublime aspect of life is a way to evolve until we ourselves dare, in our way to elevate our vision into this infinite love. Each religion, philosophy, legend have its hero, its champion, initiate, master, prophet, son or daughter of God - being transcended by their own spirit to light us up, kindle us, inspire us and motivate us to meet our sublime essence. Serve Share Learn Care Play Create
mobility on our territory
While waiting for motors with water, air or other inventions to be available on the free market, we have our muscles to help us walk, skis, racket, bike, sail, paddle. Horses also can assist us. Having a reserve of fuel is always a good option in the country to face a lack of gasoline during these uncertain times. Also a good idea is to have access to a good pair of boots, and an intelligent backpack to face the need to travel by foot with the option to sleep on our own, filter water and carry food.
> having a bike with an adapted trailer attached
> having and learning how to attach agricultural tools and carriages to a horse and a bull
> Having the proper backpack to be fully sustainable and autonomous in nature (boots, sandals, warm socks, 2 pairs of pants, shorts, 3 panties, 2 tee-shirts (cotton, wool), one shirt, 2 light sweaters, 1 layer against the wind, one against the rain, 1 hat, thread and twine, 1 multiple shovel-tools, 1 compass, 1 lighter, candles, 2 packs of water (big and small), 1 water filter, 1 scarf, 1 medical kit, 1 hygienic kit, pen and paper, 1 sleeping bag, 1 emergency blanket, 1 tent or tarp, 1 hammock, money, solar panel, phone, radio-cb and charger...
Edible food manual
Walking & hiking Biking Animals Survival backpack Ski, water engine
Finance trading sharing
Building a trading system with locals in the community offers more freedom! Services Goods Learning Neighbourhood money Loan without interest
Politics and Legality
Politics Our governments all over the planet seem to be awash in a chaotic tornado. The Covid crisis and new pandemics to come - climate change - the war in Ukraine and countries in debt heading towards a financial crash - are some of the latest topics in the headlines. We could add the gradual lost of privacy, propriety and the totalitarian digital money control to come - The sexualisation of children and the constitutional genders and transgender confusion - The drifting of school performance producing consumerists instead of thinkers - The presidential and political scandal affiliated to the World Economical Forum of Davos and bribes by Black Rock, McKinsey firm, big Pharma, child sex and organ trafficking - The disinformation media campaigns infiltrated all over the world orchestrated by Mike Bloomberg and friends - The desensitization of the population to panicking propaganda - The loss of trust in presidents... On the other hand we witness the rising of social networks, micro-societies and a waking population wanting to restore order, build new society paradigms, unmask the paranoia and the childish narcissism of a small dehumanized elite of merchants cunning enough to conquer the moral and ethical direction and laws of countries. Wow, there is a fast and tremendous shift in our lives! Citizens face their primal duty and power: "vote for their values, behaviours and economical choices" for the life they want for themselves, their children and the society they want to live in. It is time to help our government and our societies by our choices to create a world without war and domination.
Laws and legality It is impressive to discover the number of laws we are not aware of that protect our freedom! The right over our own body, in a hospital setting, in front of doctors or to deliver a child in the way we feel is natural! Constitution at treat!
Constitution: Which freedom gives our constitution
Laws: Common laws and Federal laws, what is the difference?
Rights: are our humans rights above our government?
Freedom: What is our freedom to develop our micro-society, the reorganization of our community life?
New bills: a drafting of bills toward less freedom and more questioning orientation.
All bills look virtuous, as the art of legislation is to convince the citizen. But the devil hidden in the details, and we have to be more than cautious with the number of bills raining on our head since covid! Restricting the previous rights of the therapist, restricting the gun power of each citizen in one of the most peaceful countries in the world, encouraging the hyper sexualization of adults and children, encouraging the use of recreative drugs allows hard drugs to be the new normal of the black market, daring to open the debate on the parental primacy of government over parents... - Bill 36 for BC: This Bill replaces the Health Professions Act. The primary objectives of the Bill are to prioritize protection of the public and to facilitate good governance by regulators. The Bill expands the regulation of health service providers. Bill 36, the Health Professions and Occupations Act, was passed Nov.Jun 3, 2023 - What is hidden in the detail of this bill? This Bill give much more power of intervention of the government in the practice of all therapists. It forces them to comply with new demands pushed by big pharma and not their code of ethics. - Bill C7 & C39: An Act to amend An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying) + Bill C-14 would enact related amendments to other statutes to ensure that recourse to medical assistance in dying does not affect pensions under the Pension Act or benefits under the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act.Feb 2, 2023 - Bill C5: is to address systemic racism and discrimination in the CJS , and in particular, the overrepresentation of Indigenous people, Black persons and members of marginalized communities, while maintaining public safety. - Bill C-21: An Act to amend certain Acts and to make certain consequential amendments (firearms) and regulatory amendments, to advance the national 'freeze' on handguns, are part of a comprehensive strategy to address gun violence and strengthen gun control in Canada.Oct 21, 2022 + Bill C‑71 is divided into two parts. Part 1 amends the Firearms Act,2 the Criminal Code3 (Code) and the Regulations Prescribing Certain Firearms and Other Weapons, Components and Parts of Weapons, Accessories, Cartridge Magazines, Ammunition and Projectiles as Prohibited, Restricted or Non‑Restricted.4. - Bill C–69. The federal government's introduction of Bill C–69, proposes to replace the National Energy Board Act with the Canadian Energy Regulator (CER) Act, which would see the NEB become the CER. The CER Act will introduce some changes to how we operate*. - Bill C-127, known as the rape shield law, was introduced in an attempt to reform the way victims of sexual assault were impacted by misogynistic attitudes persistent within the legal system (McNabb, et al., 2021). - Bill C10: The Minister of Justice has examined Bill C-10, An Act respecting certain measures related to COVID-19, for any inconsistency with the Charter pursuant to his obligation under section 4.1 of the Department of Justice Act.Feb 7, 2022 - Bill C-216 was introduced with the intention to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, to enact the expungement of certain drug-related convictions of 'small amounts for personal possession', and to enact a national health-based strategy on substance use.May 3, 2022 Controversial academic freedom bill adopted in Quebec. - Bill 32 gives the minister of higher education the right to make "necessary corrections" in educational institutions deemed non-compliant.Jun 3, 2022 - bill 68 Canada: Speaking Out About Workplace Violence and Workplace Harassment Act, 2021. - Bill C-45 differentiates between crimes requiring the Crown to prove negligence (proposed s.22.1) and crimes requiring the Crown to prove knowledge or intent (proposed s.22.2), and establishes separate rules for each.Feb 2, 2023 - Bill 28 prohibits any strike action by the Union and its workers, and imposes significant fines for workers and the Union if they engage in a strike action.Nov 4, 2022 - Bill C16: The bill, which enshrines the rights of transgender or gender-diverse Canadians by including them under human rights and hate-crime laws, has sparked some debate. Critics voiced concerns that the law will penalize citizens who do not use specific pronouns when referring to gender diverse people. - Bill C‑65 modifies the existing framework under the Canada Labour Code (Code)2 for the prevention of harassment and violence, including sexual harassment and sexual violence, in workplaces under federal jurisdiction (these workplaces are defined in section of this Legislative Summary) - Bill 86 Original (PDF) EXPLANATORY NOTE. The Bill enacts the Advisory Committee to Protect Ontario's People and Economy from Airborne Pandemics Act, 2023. The Act provides that the Standing Committee on Social Policy shall establish an Advisory Committee to Protect Ontario's People and Economy from Airborne Pandemics. - Bil 5 in Ontario: A private member's bill in the Ontario legislature that aimed to give municipalities the power to kick people off city council if they violate the code of conduct has failed. Bill 5, known as the "Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act", was up for second reading but lost on division in a vote Wednesday.May 31, 2023 - Bill C-51 provides for obtaining warrants for the seizure and forfeiture of publications (new section 83.222 of the Code) that are "terrorist propaganda"39 and for ordering the deletion of all electronic materials that are terrorist propaganda from a computer system (new section 83.223 of the Code). - Bill C-11, also known as the Online Streaming Act, creates a framework to regulate digital streaming platforms like Netflix, Disney+ and Spotify, and would require them to contribute to the creation and promotion of Canadian content. The bill passed its third reading in the Senate last month with 26 amendments.Mar 3, 2023 - Bill C-93: An Act to provide no-cost, expedited record suspensions for simple possession of cannabis.Mar 22, 2019 - Bill C-78 introduces a “primary consideration” to the best interests of the child test. It will require courts to consider a child's physical, emotional and psychological safety, security and well- being. The primary consideration will be the lens through which all other best interests criteria will be evaluated.Aug 24, 2018
Children & Elders - education, Instruction & protection
When we are functional, it is time to take care of one of our most important treasures, our children and elders! When an elder is going through a legacy fade, a library is burning. When a child arrives, a field is seeded, warmed, irrigated and weeded. Education is the privilege and duty of parents and families, when instruction is the task of school. Today we face a dismissal of presence from parents toward their children, so a drop in education, in the acquisition of values which gives us our humanity + a dismissal of instruction which leads to a lack of culture. A strong level of culture allows our children to adapt to the world, understand the other, respect and care for the world.
Example is the rule of education! Parenting is all about continuing to develop ourselves in qualities and values that will be the example for our kidos. Children learn by immersion in an ambiance, an atmosphere where they observe, imitate and create from the material we give to them. Nature shows us to respect cycles and rythmes of development to mature the potential of our children. 1. From conception to early childhood, children develop their Self-Estime, only with the love, attention and respect they receive from mam, dad, siblings, family and society - This is the time of tenderness, play, quality time, quality food, singing, lullaby, tales and legends, outing, discovering of the beauty of nature. You are the 1st inspiration of your children, their 1st God and Godes, your are the sacred, the poetry, the beauty, the kindness, the order and the security that will give them the certitude to be important, valuable, and more important of all, lovable! From this ground, they will start to take care of their life, respect it, cherish it and develop it. This is the root of resilience, adaptation and the ability to transmute the prosaic in poetic, experience in learning. The sense of sacred and respect. 2. Childhood develop confidence, by challenging their potentiel. From definitives tooth (6 yo 8 years old) to puberty, this is the time to set in motion their forces and start to develop their character by the games, studying, questioning, confronting essentially themselves. This is a time of great creativity for parents to imagine how to gradually challenge their children in all the field of life, all the quality you want to be developed in them. Singing, walking, running, exercising, hiking, swimming, boating, crafting, reading, creating plays, clothes, learn carpentry, carving... the big time of art, sport, taking care of animals, younger children, learning about always progressing to the infinite, developing hope, order and hierarchy in nature and life. 3. Adolescence develop the confidence on others, by listening, questioning and dialoguing. "Questioning the question" is the art of the ancient Greek's maieutics which forge the deepness in all experience to develop faith, thrust and confidence in anything we have questioned, invested, tested and deeply feel. Applied to the meeting of nature, plants, garden, animals and specially the diversity of human is the best way to weave strong links with our environnement in brotherhood, respect and tenderness. Learning the polarity of when to listen, receive, open us, and when to express, be emissive, protective. For that the initiation in this world is to overcome our fears by exposing our teenagers to unexpected situations: camping, surviving in nature, sailing, exploring new horizons, being out of their confort zone, travelling, meeting other cultures, people and the unknown + training them to question every new discovery, specially human connection: who is he, she, what are their thinking, values, feelings, goals, culture, roots, ideals... and encourage them to share, expose who they are, their roots, ideal, values... This training will essentially develop to recognize the deep values behind apparences and learn how oriented themselves toward what suit them, what make them home, and so thrust their choices. 4. Young adult develop service, by committing themselves to their family, their village, their country, the world and the creation. For that, learning and developing skill is fundamental to have something to offer. More we can push our children to acquired advanced skills more we empower them to fell efficient in the service to others, society and life. This is so important to give a meaning to our life. Animal are driving by the lows of fear and domination for now, but human are driving by the law of service and dedication to other. Overcoming our animal surviving nature, our biological temperament to develop our humanity, our character, virtues, qualities and skill to serve the society and above, is the higher achievement of a human. The one that give meaning, happiness, harmony and peace. It prepare young adult to become responsable, to answer to life with humanity and founded the base of a strong spirituality based of sharing your essence and giving the fruits of your creativity.
Schooling, alternative schooling, unschooling... so many possibilities are open today to accompany the instruction of our children to discover our world, learn and communicate with others. Stronger and wider the culture is stronger is the respect of the others. Through the ages, civilisations after civilisations, so many progress have been made to understand the sensibility of the children, they phases of development, they abilities to learn at each age. Rudolf Steiner, a german pedagog has develop an amazing system of learning which respect the neurodevelopment of the the children. Pedagogies of Steiner-Waldorf, Montessori, Freinet, "active", Reggio-Emilia, Pikler-Loczy, Decroly, Arrowsmith, bienveillante or"benevolent", "democratic, forest school, homeschooling, unschooling... are some of the new alternative ways for a more respectful education/instruction of your children. Today the amazing breakthrough of neuroscience have bring the concept of multi-intelligence and emotional intelligence to certain schooling system. The most integrative country of these discoveries is Finland who rank 1st in the world to bring the higher number of children to university. Multiple intelligences concept has proven that all children could achieve the highest level of instruction if you adapt your teaching to their type of intelligence.
Now more than ever, it is important to realize how far the United Nations have shifted from the Declaration of the Rights of the Child
The enjoyment of the rights mentioned, without any exception whatsoever, regardless of race, color, sex, religion, or nationality;
Special protection, opportunities, and facilities to enable them to develop in a healthy and normal manner, in freedom and dignity;
A name and a nationality;
Social security, including adequate nutrition, housing, recreation, and medical services;
Special treatment, education, and care if handicapped;
Love and understanding and an atmosphere of affection and security, in the care and under the responsibility of their parents whenever possible;
Free education and equal opportunity to develop their individual abilities;
Prompt protection and relief in times of disaster;
Protection against all forms of neglect, cruelty, and exploitation;
Protection from any form of racial, religious, or other discrimination, and an upbringing in a spirit of peace and universal brotherhood.
To Children's Liberation Rights
The right to Self-determination--children should have the right to decide matters that affect them most directly.
The Right to Alternate Home Environments--including the right to choose from among a variety of home environments, and various kinds of schools and employment opportunities.
The Right of Responsive Design--society must accommodate itself to children's size and to their need for safe space.
The Right to Information--children must have the right to all information ordinarily available to adults.
The Right to Educate Oneself--children should be free to choose from among many kinds of learning experiences, including the option not to attend any kind of school.
The Right to Freedom from Physical Punishment.
The Right to Sexual Freedom--children should have the right to conduct their sexual lives with no more restrictions than adults.
The Right to Economic Power--including the right to work, to acquire and manage money, and to achieve financial independence.
The Right to Justice--including the guarantee of fair trial with due process of law [and] an advocate to protect their rights against parents.
We measure the evolution of a society in light of the care given to our elders! Elders teach us about depth and what is essential. Elders need to share their experiences, they deserve our respect, our patience and wait for our appreciation.
From passive to responsible
For over a century, since the dawn of the industrial era in 1890, our generations have drifted and passed from the philosophical quest for good, virtue, effort, sublime feelings and emotions, mutual aid and the care of the earth… towards an excessive quest for pleasure, slackness, a normalization of gross emotions, addiction to welfare, to the normalization of corruption and addictions to drugs, alcohol and sex to replace the spiritual and relational joys and the pride of effort. We are complicit through our economic votes, our purchases, our acceptance without reaction of the chemical poisoning of our soil and air, of the trade in fetuses which has become a constant in our diet, of the educational stagnation of our children, of the murder of our intelligence by a degrading culture, of the abandonment of our elders, of the hyper-sexualization of women to the detriment of their inspiring and poetic nature, of the cult of male domination instead of promoting useful dynamism and service to others. How can we not understand that we have cultivated the weeds which are choking our best seeds now?! What if the real enemies weren't the lying media, the corrupt government, or the ultra-rich of the world economic forum who only respond to the deep philosophical choices of society that we have collectively made generation after generation and that we maintain each day individually? Staying a victim removes us from our power. Answer to the situation by taking on our responsibilities together empowers us at an unknown level. Dr Len discovered this through the amazing practice of Ho'Oponopono! Progress is only a marvel when it allows humans to devote themselves to the development of their potentials and their essence to serve the whole. Time has come to balance progress with ethics to serve the highest purposes of human nature, the essence of philosophy - the love of wisdom, which is to develop the higher nature of humanity. To do this, we can start by forging links, building micro-societies and a village spirit. Let's support our country and future generations by being the change we want to be!