You are the artist of your child!
“Nature has given women powers which at the present time they are not exploiting at all or are exploiting poorly. They have the power to modify, corrupt or improve the first architectural genetic imprint. They must become aware of this power, and know that the future of humanity depends on them.” “Woman is the artist of the imagination and the child in the womb is the canvas whereon she painteth her pictures.” “During pregnancy, the mother’s joy and pleasure are the forces that provide her baby with perfect organs.” |
Woman: Womb of BeingThere is no other way into the world except through the body of the woman. Woman is the portal to the universe. She is also the womb of Being. Each person in the world commenced life as a minuscule trace within the depths of the mother whose womb is the space where that trace expands and opens to assume human form. In terms of one’s later identity and destiny abroad in the world, this is the time of ultimate formation and influence. In human encounter, there is nothing nearer than this; no two humans can ever come closer than when one is forming inside the other’s depth. Naturally the relationship is hugely imbalanced: the one is a complete person, the other is minuscule and is just beginning a journey towards identity through absorbing life from the mother. Yet within the night of her body, each is helplessly open to the other. No man ever comes nearer to a woman. No woman ever comes nearer to a woman. This intricate nurturing and unfolding into identity takes place below the light in the physical subconscious of her body. The mother sees nothing. The whole journey is a hidden one. It is the longest human journey from the invisible to the visible. From every inner pathway, the labyrinth of her body brings a flow of life to form and free this inner pilgrim. Imagine the incredible events that are coming to form within the embryo; how each particle of growth is like the formation of a world from fragments.
From “Beauty, The Invisible Embrace”, by John O’Donohue.
From “Beauty, The Invisible Embrace”, by John O’Donohue.
Pregancy step by step
EPIGENETICS: why it is important to human development and most especially prenatal and perinatal psychology?